Our Research

Over the last three months, Eventful Conferences—part of Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG)—has conducted extensive research with organizations, individuals, and stakeholders from partner companies that use SAP in a variety of industries across North America. Through both roundtable discussions and one-on-one conversations, we were able to identify key pain points facing the Supply Chain industry. From day-to-day challenges to industry-wide trends this report provides insight into pressing issues businesses in this community are facing.

These key insights, which are captured in the report below, help us to shape our SAP-Centric Supply Chain conference agenda, providing authentic, relatable content through real-life customer case studies, hands-on workshops, in-depth interactive sessions and SAP expert presentations.

If you have any questions, or think there is anything we missed, please reach out to conference producer, Jennifer Mellace, at jennifer.mellace@eventfulconferences.com.

Fill out the form below to secure your copy of the Research Report today.


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